Drywall Maintenance Tips From The Drywall Surgeon

When naming the materials used in the construction of your home, you cannot miss drywall. It is highly durable, does not burn a hole in your pocket, and is quite customizable (no matter your interior’s color palette or decor aesthetic). It enhances the architectural features of your home, too.

Despite the plethora of benefits drywall has to offer, it does need occasional repairs and maintenance. Whether you have been a homeowner for many years now or purchased your first home this holiday season, the drywall repair professionals from The Drywall Surgeon have a few handy tips for keeping your drywall in perfect condition for years to come.

1. Water Damage Maintenance

Water damage to the drywall is a common issue homeowners deal with, and it is of utmost importance that you get a professional opinion right away upon noticing water damage on your walls or ceilings.  

The reason for water damage can be anything, from heavy rainfall, faulty plumbing, or a broken gutter. Replacing the visibly damaged part of drywall is not enough. It is vital that the actual cause of water damage is addressed and fixed. Otherwise, the issue will persist. 

2. Popped Nails Maintenance

Ceiling joists and wall studs are used in drywall installation. The studs and joists may pop out over time. If the panels feel loose and disjointed, give drywall repair professionals a call. They will replace the popped nails with new ones and cover them with a drywall compound, and everything will fall back in place. 

3. Small Hole Maintenance

You may ignore the small holes peeping from your drywall, but DON’T. Over time, they can become larger, impacting your drywall’s performance and strength. Fix the small holes soon as you notice them and prevent aggravation of damage to your drywall. 

4. Staining Maintenance 

You want the interiors of your home to exude warmth and cleanliness. Stained drywall is not exactly an advocate of the same. Why let dirty drywalls compromise the aesthetics of your living space? 

Dust the drywall, and follow with gentle wiping with a damp sponge. If the stains still won’t go away or are accompanied by a moldy odor, promptly contact drywall repair professionals to correct the issue. 

Need professional drywall repair services?

Contact the experts at The Drywall Surgeon at 515 988-0699

They are fully insured and provide premium services backed by one year warranty. 

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About Loretta Robinson

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